Sunday, September 9, 2012

Eggs For Breakfast Sandwiches

It's Ethel here to share a recipe that I found on pinterest!

I am not a morning person. I do get up early, however the thought of cooking at 5am for myself, let alone the family, is the last thing I want to do.
I thought I would try the eggs in a muffin tin this morning.

 Seems simple enough.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Spray muffin tin with non-stick spray
 I added 2-3 fresh spinach leaves to each  muffin cup.
( I am going to experiment with different things next go around.)
Crack the egg into the muffin cup.
Season to taste. I seasoned the eggs with sea salt, pepper & garlic powder.
 Bake for 15-20 mins til its cooked to your liking.
I cooked mine for 20 mins, I wanted soft, non-runny yolks.
Cooking time depends on your oven.

After they are cooked.

Breakfast Sandwich

As you can see we all had one this morning. Hubby said, this is great! Daughter was too busy eating to talk, which means it was a hit with her also!
I put the extra eggs in an air tight container in the fridge. Now we have breakfast for a few days. Everyone can pop their English muffin in the toaster and the egg in the microwave, when they are up and ready to eat.

Viola! There is breakfast!

You can see the eggs are a bit smaller then the muffins. I am going to try them in a muffin top tin since it is thinner and wider then the normal muffin tins.